Inteligencia Artificial: Una mirada crítica al concepto de personalidad electrónica de los robots

  • Flavio Suárez-Muñoz Universidad de Guanajuato, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Keywords: Electronic Personality, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Robots, Autonomy, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence


The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked concerns in various sectors of society, highlighting the need to regulate the use and development of this technology, regardless of its appearance – whether robots or algorithms – and regardless of the devices it operates on, as well as the degree of intelligence it presents. This is to protect humans from possible repercussions on consciousness and actions induced by AI. Technological companies have adopted a discourse centered on ethics and respect for human rights to humanize technology, legitimize its use, and permeate society without ethical questioning. This allows them to free themselves from responsibilities and moral burdens. Autonomy, ethics, morality, and consciousness are presented as active elements in AI. In attempts to regulate the use and development of AI, the European Parliament [1] has called for investigation into the possibility of endowing the most intelligent robots with an electronic personality, so that they can take responsibility for their actions and repair the damage caused, a concept analyzed from an anthropocentric perspective. 

How to Cite
Suárez-Muñoz, F. (2024). Inteligencia Artificial: Una mirada crítica al concepto de personalidad electrónica de los robots. Electronic Journal of SADIO (EJS), 23(2), 214-229. Retrieved from