Experience of implementing a computerised triage system in emergency departments

Keywords: Health Information Technology; Triage; Implementation


Triage is a system used in emergency departments to prioritize patients based on the urgency of their need for care. Implementing triage systems has a significant impact on patient care prioritization and service management, as it enhances patient flow and reduces waiting times for critically ill individuals. While several international scales exist for prioritizing care, triage is often conducted in a non-standardized manner based on the discretion of the receiving staff. In this paper, we present the development and implementation process of an on-call triage system, integrated into the electronic information system of a private institution in Argentina. This proprietary system, known as TTS (Trinidad Triage System), is the outcome of collaborative efforts from a multidisciplinary team comprising medical, nursing, and computer experts from various centers. Having our own development has enabled us to customize the reasons for consultation and severity criteria to align with the patient profile at our center, standardize the triage process, and obtain transparent information for improving management."

Author Biographies

Ariel Leonardo Fernandez, Mg, SATI

Líder Implementación HCE y Datos en los Sanatorios de la Trinidad y Centros de Salud del Grupo Galeno en Galeno

Maria del Pilar Arias López, Dra, HARDINEROS SAS

Médica especialista en Cuidados Intensivos pediatricos

Equipo de implementación de HCE y Gestión de Datos Clínicos GALENO

Asesora Comité de Gestión , Calidad y Datos. SATI

Leandro Nicolás Notarfrancesco, Cdor, HARDINEROS SAS

Partner and Manager at HARDINEROS.com

Veronica López, HARDINEROS SAS

Analista Funcional

Walter Maestri, GALENO SA

Gerente de arquitectura de software en Galeno

Miguel Angel Urrutia, GALENO

Director Corporativo TI & Procesos en Grupo GALENO

How to Cite
Fernandez, A., Arias López, M., Notarfrancesco, L., López, V., Maestri, W., & Urrutia, M. (2023). Experience of implementing a computerised triage system in emergency departments. Proceedings of JAIIO, 9(5), 89-97. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.sadio.org.ar/index.php/JAIIO/article/view/705
CAIS - Congreso Argentino de Informática y Salud