From Chicago to London, a Proposal for Teaching Test-Driven Development

  • Nicolás Martín Paez Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Palabras clave: education, educación


Test-Driven Development is a very popular software development technique that offers well known benefits, but curiously it has a very low usage rate in the industry. Some authors suggest that this phenomenon can be due to a lack of knowledge and training. Aligned with this situation this article presents an approach to teach Test-Driven Development. The presented approach mixes Chicago and London Test-Driven Development styles and complements them with other Extreme Programming techniques. The described approach has been validated with positive results in two Software Engineering courses.

Cómo citar
Paez, N. (2023). From Chicago to London, a Proposal for Teaching Test-Driven Development. Memorias De Las JAIIO, 9(9), 185-188. Recuperado a partir de
SAEI - Simposio Argentino de Educación en Informática