Intelligence architecture to detect patterns in scanned documents

  • Laura Díaz Dávila
  • juan Corvalán
  • Carina Papini
  • Cristian Morilla
  • Facundo Nieto
  • Matías Sosa
Keywords: artificial intelligence, images, judicial system, automation


Artificial Intelligence (AI hereinafter) can be useful to increase efficiency in dealing with cases that the Judiciary must resolve. However, judicial systems in Latin American countries have certain challenges for the application of AI systems that must be overcome if the benefits of intelligent automation are to be exploited. Documents, throughout their life cycle, are often subject to scanning, printing and reworking in both directions. In this paper we propose an alternative way to OCR, based on AI applied to image pattern detection, which can contribute to alleviate the difficulties mentioned above, not only in the applied case study, but also in many different domains of public document management systems in the region 

How to Cite
Díaz Dávila, L., Corvalán, juan, Papini, C., Morilla, C., Nieto, F., & Sosa, M. (2022). Intelligence architecture to detect patterns in scanned documents. Proceedings of JAIIO, 8(11), 20-34. Retrieved from
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