Attribute-Value Extraction: the case of a Real Estate Observatory

  • Luciana Tanevitch
  • Alejandro Fernández
  • Juan Pablo Del Río
  • Diego Torres
Palabras clave: Real Estate Observatory, Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction, Attribute Value Extraction


Structured information is a valuable resource in information systems construction. The process of structuring unstructured data can be automated, but since machines can’t directly process natural language texts, NLP techniques are required. This work aims to evaluate different approaches to perform attribute-value extraction in real estate descriptions, in the context of the construction of a real estate observatory for the Province of Buenos Aires. The performance of each model is measured using precision, recall and F1-score with a partial matching approach.

Cómo citar
Tanevitch, L., Fernández, A., Del Río, J., & Torres, D. (2024). Attribute-Value Extraction: the case of a Real Estate Observatory. Memorias De Las JAIIO, 10(1), 181-194. Recuperado a partir de
ASAID - Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencias de Datos